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Friday, October 5, 2012


Trick or Treat ! Give me some CANDIES. I'm a witch you know. I'll put a curse on you if you won't give me some. AWOOOOOOO ! Be scared already !

Errrrr. I'm hungry ! WTF?!  Candy please. PUH-LEASEEEE ! *o*

(oh, 'WTF' there means "Where's The Food". xD)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Activity No. 7

1. What tag is used to describe the contents of a Web page?
 ~The <TITLE> tag is probably the most useful.You can set the title of the Web page by declaring it inside a <TITLE> </TITLE> tag pair.

2. What tag is used to make text appear in bold?
~The tag <B> will tell the browser to display the contents that follow bold until it sees the tag </B>.

3. What tag is used to indicate the start of the contents of a Web page?
~The HEAD section is indicated by a <HEAD> tag and closed with the </HEAD> tag.

4. What tag is used to indicate the start of HTML file?
~An HTML page is indicated with an <HTML> </HTML> tag pair.

5. What tags are used for comments in an HTML file?
~The tag <!—-Comments—> is needed when you put comments. Whatever text you place as comments
(including commands) are simply ignored by the browser.

Activity No. 6

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Activity no. 4

 The truth about St. Ignatius of Loyola (SIL) Class
[GENERAL] applicable for all ages.

Reading this article, you'll know more about the St. Ignatius of Loyola Class---- third year high school section at Holy Cross College of Calinan. Some comments from HCCC are posted.

 IGNATIANS (SIL students)

  • STUDENTS- The students in this class have different personalities and attitudes--  good or bad. If you want them to be your friend then be true. Plastics and Fake are not allowed in this classroom or else you'll be their enemy.  
  • ACADEMICS- Yes, they have teamwork. You can see this teamwork during  quizzes, seat works, making assignments, and many more individual activity (teamwork in an individual activity). Funny, right? But, not all the time. You can see it also during group activity, group projects etc.. Another thing, Crab-mentality is quite popular here.
  • BONDING- Some of the students here have really a strong bond at each other. Those students who are classmates since grade 1 or elementary. This class is like Philippines. There are a lot of islands. They are not as one. There are different groups of friendship here.Can't they make it a BIG CIRCLE OF FRIENDS? Here is a group of noisy friends, there is a group of silent friends etc. We are like a 'halo-halo' . We are mixed.
TEACHERS  (Adviser and Subj. teachers)
  • COMMENTS-If you ask a teacher what can they say about SIL class they would really comment that the class is PASSIVE. You know why? It's because when they teach and ask something, no one participate. It's like the teacher is talking to the air. The students are physically present but mentally absent.
  • STRATEGIES- The teachers of this class are good. They know how to discipline the students but not all the time.Some, are scared at the students that's why they don't scold them but others are not. Teacher's strategies should be really good so that the students could participate actively and lessen their being passive.
  • ADVISER- The SIL's class adviser is kind according to some SIL students. She disciplines really well and she knows how to handle the class. She is kind when you are kind and she is scary when mad. The students love the attitude of their adviser. They are being obedient to her and the adviser is really good at handling students and she easily get their respect and love. That's why the students love her very much.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Freedom (MD's opinion)


Freedom is a gift from God that we can do whatever we want without being manipulated by others. It's in you if you'll use this in a good or bad way. Because it's a gift, we shouldn't abuse this gift that God has given to us. This gift also is living our lives and express our feelings and not to impress other people. We shouldn't live what others want but live the way we want to. Who's life is this? It's ours. So what, if we decide this and that. Does that affect them? It's our life, not theirs.We do things we like and not to do the things we dislike. Simple as that. We shouldn't mind what others will say about the things we do. We are born to be free and not to become a slave of someone out there. For example, you want to help your classmate who is bullied by your other classmate. Then your friends are threatening you that if you help your bullied classmate they will do the same thing to you. Don't be afraid. Help the person who is in need and never mind those people who are not true to you. If they call you a 'leech' or 'sip-sip' in Filipino never mind them. As long as you know that your decision is right then DO IT.

FREEDOM. If you don't have this, then you are like living your life in a ribcage. You're a slave that keeps obeying masters. Why did God gave you life? Simple, for you to experience how to live and He wants you to enjoy every bit of it. How will you ENJOY every bit of it if there are people who are manipulating you and you too is like a dog who is obeying the master. We are not dogs.We are human.

"I am the captain of my fate, I am the master of my soul."  That's from the poem of William Ernest Henley from the poem "Invictus". From that line, you can see that you own your life that was just borrowed from God. You are the captain of your beliefs. You believe what you want to believe. Not what others want you to believe. You are the master of your soul. You do whatever you want to do to it.We are not living a life inside a cage but we live outside of it. So, we that means we are free. But, we should not abuse it or this 'freedom' will be lost. Use it in a right and good way. Not the other way around. Remember this,  "We live to EXPRESS and not to IMPRESS." Read between the lines.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

How is Internet being used in health and medicine?

The internet is helpful in our health because there are a lots of advice that we can get here about our health issues. A lot of people browse the internet to find cure for their illnesses. Some also, finds advices on how to be slim or ways to prevent them from any kind of illnesses. People also nowadays, sometime don't go to clinics but instead they browse the internet for answers. There a lot of benefits we  can get here but if there are benefits there are also disadvantages we could get. Those answers from other sites are just coming from the internet users too. Before doing 'something' that comes from the internet related to our health, we should be really sure that these advices and information are safe or not.

Advantages we could get upon searching the internet is that we could get a lot of ideas and more knowledge about our health issues. Also, we could search herbal medicines  cures cough, fever and etc.. The internet also has the potential to give significant advantages to both health-care professionals and patients. Professionals could get a lot of ideas from the internet and they could formulate medicines to cure the illnesses of the people.
[picture from google]
Using internet make people lazy to go to clinics or hospitals. They may also gather wrong information about taking care of their health. Instead of being cured, it goes the other way around because of the wrong data  they get. So, we should be sure to the sites we are going to follow if that site was organized by a professional health-care.

For me, it is better to consult a doctor or go to the clinic if you need medicine or any problem about your health issues because you could assure your safety there. In the internet, there's no assurance if it's safety or not because 'anyone' could give wrong answers. W e don't know if it's right or wrong because we could only read the words on the screens. No proofs.